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Hi, thank you for you interest in my store!

If you have any questions, comments, concerns or suggestions, please contact me directly at

As a bit of a nerd-of-all-things my assortment of designs may seem a bit eclectic, so let me give you some background on me.

I am a native San Franciscan who grew up in the San Francisco Bay Area including Palo Alto (reasonably convenient between my Step Dad's job at IBM in San Jose, and my Mom's job as a manager at Pacific Bell in SF) and Lafayette (between new jobs between SF and San Ramon). My Dad lives in SF and worked at AAA while being a professional wedding photographer on the side.

I grew up around computers and photographic equipment and loved watching nature shows on PBS. I loved looking for little creatures all around the house and yard and my mom was driven a bit crazy by all the "pet" spiders and snails and so on. My parents indulged me with my very own computer and camera early on (I used DOS...and 5.25 floppy boot disks) and patiently encouraged me in their use. I didn't consider myself particularly creative or artistic, but I loved taking ceramics classes and playing with clay shapes and the colors of glaze. I loved going to the Exploratorium and The Academy of Sciences. When we got cable and I could watch The Discovery Chanel and Animal Planet it was like Christmas year round.

I went to the Athenian School  in Danville, California for 8th-12th grades, then went to Scripps College in Claremont. I got a BA degree in general biology while taking fun electives like geology and mineralogy as well as some ceramics and art. Since then I got almost all the way through a Masters of Education with Credential from USF, but the concurrent full time job at a private school didn't count towards the teaching requirement, so I didn't finish. Then after a while I got bored and got an Associates of Design for the Web online from AIO while working full time in a totally unrelated field. Because I just wanted to know... I also love books and reading and almost always keep my text books and refer to them again later.

I like computer games still too, and when I am not working I am often playing Age of Empires II, Diablo II/III (Blizzard fan in general!), and Lord of the Rings Online, often with my children. I totally geeked out when Pokemon Go came out and made the kids watch the first season of the original show with me... they already knew about my card collection that I still have from when I was a kid. I caught 'em all on the blue version.

I live in historic Lincoln, California with my children and a bit of a zoo including, dogs, cats, mice, fish, parakeets, lizards, snakes, turtles, and frogs as well as a few others. I enjoy becoming an expert on a given pet and breeding and raising offspring if possible so that I can really know all about them.

I have worked at a dot com start up, an independent pet store, a remedial reading tutoring center, a private Catholic school as a science lab instructor and middle school math and science teacher, and as a manager at PetSmart. Now I am trying my hand at the admittedly competitive arena of online t-shirt sales, because why not?